Saturday 5 October 2013

Bagelquest 2013

You know how teenagers just love getting involved in stuff their parents are doing? And how they cheerfully go outside and have fun?

Nope, me neither.

Last weekday of the school holidays, and I felt we had to do some serious family stuff. We started with a bike ride to Jells Park - easy ride, good distance. Then, we went on a BAGELQUEST!

What is a Bagelquest? Well, it's basically a quest for bagels. Thomas asked specially for onion bagels, a real favourite snack in our house, and not a flavour that Aussie Farmers deliver, sadly. My usual source is Costco, but until they open in Ringwood, they are a bit far away.

I looked up where you can get onion bagels. Well, of course, Glicks! I used to live near this traditional bakery in Balaclava, and they've opened lots more branches. We quested all the way to Malvern.

Well, they certainly have some good things to eat!

The quested-for onion bagel. We bought a dozen. They are delicious!

Oh, and we stopped at Dairy Bell for ice cream on the way home. That's TWO Melbourne food icons in one day!

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